The 11th Hour Mindset

My job as Mentor isn't to buy all your limitations such as:

  • Nobody will buy at that price point, and they don't have that kind of money.

  • People don't see me as the mentor they will hire.

  • I need the leads to come from somewhere else because they aren't in my audience.

  • They will need to think about it and won't just buy.

That was from the beginning of August and of course, I did not let those slide in our coaching call.

We did the shadow work, and she continued it on her own as well.

Then she closed nearly 100K in sales (50K coming in the last 5 days of August).

This is why I talk about the 11th hour Mindset inside my containers that include Launch support.

Until the very last moment we hold space for people to step into the program portal you're offering to the world.

And quite honestly...people often drop in a couple days after enrollment has closed and I don't know about you...but I welcome them in unless I have a hard boundary on the number of people I can hold.

Things are NOT as they appear in the world of messaging.

We can't always know who has been considering your program and not commenting or even liking.

We can't always know who is getting the money together but just hasn't spoken up yet.

We can't always know who thought the price was too high but then after hearing your powerful storytelling email sequences...decided this IS EXACTLY what she needs (This happened with 2 people inside this client's launch).

What can you focus on during a launch (and always)?

The embodiment of your craft.

BEING the embodiment of what you are here to teach in the world.

Not perfect...but always calling yourself deeper into the work and leading with authenticity...not polished perfection always.

When you do this...others feel like....maybe I can do this too.

And they step in to work with you easily.

I thrive on sharing the lessons behind 100K to 300K launches.

I've had the honor to mentor and coach to success (and the ones that didn't sell) so that you can learn what the Soul AND Strategy behind these launches really entails.

If that's you...join me inside The Money Making Messaging Portal.

I know for me and my clients...adding 100K to 300K and even more to your recurring revenue through masterminds is a game changer.

It means paying off debt, taking the family on vacay, stacking your bank account AND more importantly...


And that's because masterminds require only a few hours per week of your time.

Just like B who did $115K launch that generated $9,500 in new cash coming in for the next 12 months while only requiring a couple hours per week of her time.

For a mama with a toddler...thats a big deal.

Or K who did $170,000 launch bringing in over 14K per month recurring revenue for 12 months during our 8-week intensive.

If you're planning on offering a mastermind this year and want to learn the top launch lessons from a strategic and energetic standpoint join me and Attract Your Soul Tribe.



6 Figure Mastermind Launch Secrets:

How to Double your Cash Flow with an Epic Mastermind Launch this year!

I'll be teaching you:

  • The exact marketing stages and phases I map out with my clients who have done 100 to 200K launches

  • How to create content that is emotionally activating and attracts ready-to-invest now clients to your mastermind

  • The pleasure practices and embodiment practices that myself and my clients use to maintain that "11th hour" mindset all the way till the end of a launch (and weather the emotional ups and downs!)

Learn More


I Freakin Love Sales