I Freakin Love Sales
Sales Sales Sales.
I freaking LOVE sales!
Sales IS service.
I'm celebrating a client who is at 49K in sales for her healers certification launch and has 4 sales equaling over 10K that are pending after powerful sales conversations so then we can celebrate over 60K at that point!
You are inviting people into your container and inviting them to invest in their OWN transformation.
Nobody is "giving you money" for the work you do.
They are investing in themselves.
In my sales programs I always teach" Your mission must be bigger than your EGO".
Ego gets in the way and is wondering if people will buy, will they like it, will they be mad at me?
What if, what if.
Sacred Service says:
My mission is _____
I am here to _______
My truth is ______
I am the expert on ______
I am the wayshower for ______
I am here to be OF service to ______
This program matters because _____
This program is for _____ who _______
Once you fill in these statements you'll be more deeply steeped in the value of your offer and if you need by help articulating it further so you can have your next 100K to 200K+ launch or sign a few ultra premium 30K to 100K clients...
If you are ready to expand your capacity join me inside the Money Making Messaging Portal.
Where it begin to grow your audience with powerful messaging? ATTRACT YOUR SOUL TRIBE!
P.S. This is your time to go ALL IN my friend! If you want my 6 Figure Mastermind Launch Secrets Training and Templates you can snag it for FREE below!
FREE TRAINING: 6-Figure Mastermind Launch Secrets
How to Double your Cash Flow with an Epic Mastermind Launch this year
I'll be teaching you:
The exact marketing stages and phases I map out with my clients who have done 100 to 200K launches
How to create content that is emotionally activating and attracts ready-to-invest now clients to your mastermind
The pleasure practices and embodiment practices that myself and my clients use to maintain that "11th hour" mindset all the way till the end of a launch (and weather the emotional ups and downs!)